Global Lightning Network

TOA operates a Global Lightning Detection Network utilizing over 500 state-of-the-science, patented sensors deployed around the world.

Custom Networks

Our sensors and patented methodology set us apart from others, tapping into the latest detection technologies deployed in a custom network to ensure accuracy…

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We’re here to answer your questions about our data and sensors. We’re also available to help you spread the word about lightning safety.

TOA Systems – Global Lightning Detection

Our network of sensors is designed to provide optimal performance for customers and is capable of detecting lightning strikes with high accuracy. The lightning network is equipped to distinguish between cloud-to-ground and inter/intra-cloud lightning events, determine the strength of each strike, and to establish the location of each individual lightning strike.

Since commencing operations, our list of clients includes governments, meteorological bureaus, power companies, airlines, news broadcasters, mining operations, among many others. The variety of applications we have at hand, provide timely severe storm warnings to improve improving operational safety throughout all industries.